文老师德国 Mahlkonig/迈赫迪 E65S数控磨豆机电动意式商用咖啡研磨豆机

文老师德国 Mahlkonig/迈赫迪 E65S数控磨豆机电动意式商用咖啡研磨豆机


Hemro Group welcomes Ross Quail
As of March 2020, Ross Quail will be the Hemro Group’s new Sales Director for the markets in South Asia and Australia.

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Ross Quail gained a broad scope of competences and experiences in the region, where he has being working for equipment manufacturers and specialty coffee roasters for many years. Furthermore, he served as sensory and head judge during a great number of competitions and even as president of the Specialty Coffee Association of Australia.

文老师德国 Mahlkonig/迈赫迪 E65S数控磨豆机电动意式商用咖啡研磨豆机

